Shawn Dooley is a resident of Aurora, Illinois and his artwork includes a variety of forms including paintings, sculpture, digital design, jewelry, apparel, and mixed media pieces. As a self-taught artist, Shawn has spent his life exploring different mediums to develop his
skills. Shawn’s artwork showcases his love for surreal art, a heavy mix of comic book and science fiction influences, and his practical study and experience in digital photography, design, and traditional art.
From an early age, Shawn drew monsters. He has always held a fascination for science fiction, horror, and fantasy art. He and his father would watch the surreal landscapes and impossible creatures of classic science fiction and horror films. The influence of these classic movies sparked his creative imagination allowing him to escape through pencil and paper into a world of fantastic creatures and surreal landscapes. As he got older, he found that he was drawn to modern surrealists including Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, and contemporary artists like H.R. Giger. Shawn has also found great inspiration from comic book artists such as Dave McKean, Ralph Steadman, Wayne Barlow and Bernie Wrightson.
(Aurora, IL)
Professional Affiliation: The Grue Gallery, Art by Shawn Dooley
Education: Self taught
Medium: My medium is just about anything. With sculptures I use a non drying clay called Monster Clay then I make molds of the sculpures then cast them in resin or plaster. I also paint with acrylics and I'll use watercolor, chalk, charcoal, pastels, ink or color pencils.
Exhibitions: I currently have a few pieces in the YNK Arts gallery in Naperville, IL. I also participate in a monthly art show called ArtBar. It takes place on the first Friday of every month and each show has a different theme. I have a vendor booth at a couple of horror cons such as: Days of the Dead in Schaumberg, IL, Flashback Weekend in Rosemont, IL and next year I will have a booth at Walker Stalker Con. Some of the art shows that I've done: Pancakes and Booze, Bad Ass Art and Music Show, Bones and Cones: Fine Dark Art Exhibit & Ice Cream Social, Oddities & Curiosities Expo, Krampus Creepy Curiosities & Oddities Market, Alley Art Fest, Darkwave at Medusa's and Octo Street Fest.
Facebook: @gruegallery & @shawndooleyart
Instagram: @gruegallery & @shawn_dooley_art
Twitter: @gruegallery & @shawndooleyart