Texas Parks and Rec Posts Bigfoot Pics
(Image credit: Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department)
The Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department in Round Rock, Texas, posted mysterious pictures to its Facebook page on June 10th that appear to show Bigfoot prints in the ground.
According to the department's post, "Our Park Ranger surveillance has captured strange footprints at various parks & trails in the area. If you find these, or other unexplained phenomena, tag Round Rock Parks and Recreation Department on FB, or @roundrockpard on Twitter & Instagram."
In an interview with Chron.com on the veracity of the prints, local Bigfoot hunter Russell Miller said, "I'm leaning towards not real at least on the top one. Too narrow at the instep."
"Would love to see more pics and something for scale."
Miller was only able to view the pictures online, and has said that any further analysis was too difficult without a better view. Miller added that the Round Rock area is not particularly known for mysterious cryptid sightings; although sightings of Bigfoot are commonly reported north of Houston, in the Sam Houston National Forest, which is located about 160 miles east of Round Rock.