Three New Flying Humanoid Reports from Chicago Bring Total to Fourteen

Three new reports submitted to UFO Clearinghouse and Phantoms and Monsters bring the total number of sightings of a large, bat-like creature in Chicago to fourteen so far in 2017.

The first report took place on May 27th, 2017, and describes a large, black, bat-like being with glowing red eyes.

I would like to tell you about an incident that happened on Saturday, May 27, 2017 near our home in Chicago. We were returning home after going out to dinner with some friends at a neighborhood Thai food restaurant. The time was about 10:30ish at night and we were walking hand-in-hand toward home. As we approach the intersection of Wrightwood and Lakeview (N. Wrightwood Ave & N. Lakeview Ave.) my husband noticed something flying above us headed toward the west. It was flying approximately 15 feet in the air and moving along at brisk pace. It looks like a giant bat only it was way larger and solid black. The object would have been almost solid black if it were not for 2 glowing red eyes staring back at us. It flew overhead, circled back and flew over us again before heading back toward the park. This object was far larger than anything I have ever seen in and around the park or the lakefront. I’ve seen large birds in the area but could recognize them as birds and nothing grew even close to the size of this thing was. My husband said that whatever it was ‘was not of this world’ and ‘if it was, it was undiscovered,’ but he was absolutely speechless and could not provide an explanation for what we saw.

We discussed it all the way home and afterward, I did some searching on the internet for a possible explanation when I ran across report sightings, some of them very close to our neighborhood. I showed them to my husband who still remains skeptical and said that we should not report what we saw. He stated that no one would believe that we saw a huge man-bat flying over Chicago and that people would possibly laugh at us. I reported it because I want to have an explanation to what we saw that night. Neither one of us are crazy and we both saw exactly the same thing. We just want to have an explanation

Neither one of us are crazy and we both saw exactly the same thing. We just want to have an explanation to what we saw that night. My husband said he wanted to just put it behind him but if I wanted to report it, then I was more than welcome to…so that’s what I did. Perhaps somebody can provide a perfectly logical explanation of what we saw in the night sky. Thank you for your time and attention and I hope to hear from you soon.

The second sighting took place on the same evening, only a couple of miles away, according to a phone call reported by Lon Strickler of Phantoms and Monsters.

"I just received a telephone call from a witness in the Calumet Park neighborhood of Chicago," said Strickler.

The woman and her boyfriend noticed a large black figure above a group of trees in the vicinity of 127th & Ashland Ave. at approximately 7:30 PM on Saturday, May 27th. The witnesses state that they first thought that it was a black helicopter because of the size, though the distance was not determined. The object then rose further in the sky and became apparent that it was a large human-like being with wings.

They described it as black in color and it was flying without moving it's wings. They were shocked at the size as it silhouetted itself across the moon, which was visible in the late clear evening. There was still considerable light, but too dark to get a discernible video or photograph with their cellphone, though there was an attempt to capture photographic evidence.

They determined that it was not a plane or glider, but a living being of unknown origin. The description by the woman was that is looked like a 'large black flying man with wings.'

The woman (who did disclose her name to me) was disturbed by this encounter. She searched the internet and discovered my posts on Phantoms and Monsters. She was surprised by the previous sightings in Chicago, which she was not aware of. She plans to be vigilant during the next few evenings and will be making inquiries of possible sightings by other witnesses.

I found that the witnesses were very credible and made no attempt to embellish their sighting.

The final sighting, which took place more recently, on June 23rd, depicts a very similar entity seen by multiple witnesses in a crowded area.

I want to tell you about a sighting that happened on Friday the 23rd of June at about 9:30 p.m. by the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois. My girlfriend and I are spending the weekend in Chicago and we took a walk around the Adler and Shedd Aquarium so she could try to get some more Pokemon. We were spending our anniversary together downtown and wanted to visit the museum campus. We were at the backside of the Adler Planetarium and had walked along the path toward the food court.

We ordered some food and sat down when there was commotion and a bunch of people were shouting and pointing at the sky. We both got up and went to look what was going on and saw a large black bat like creature headed away from us. When we asked people what they had seen we were told that they had seen a large bat. Everyone described it as a large bat like creature that also had human-like features. What we saw was flying away from us but supported what everyone else has seen as looking like a large bat. We hung around for about 30 minutes after that looking up at the sky as was everybody else. No one saw or heard anything for the remainder of

What we saw was flying away from us but supported what everyone else has seen as looking like a large bat. We hung around for about 30 minutes after that looking up at the sky as was everybody else. No one saw or heard anything for the remainder of time that we were there. There was a feeling of uneasiness amongst the people who were there and many shortly departed right before we did.

This brings the total number of sightings so far this year to fourteen.  All of the sightings have taken place in the lakefront area within a few miles of Lake Michigan.  The sightings generally take place in the evening or at night, often in or near a park, and witnesses consistently describe a large, bat-like creature with humanoid features.  So far no pictures or video have been forthcoming.

To report a sighting, reach out to us directly at The Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.

You can view a timeline of the sightings so far here, and an interactive map here.

Tobias Wayland