Police in Argentina Capture 'Alien' on Camera
The photograph posted to Radio LT7 AM 900's Facebook page.
According to a post on Argentinian radio news outlet LT7 AM 900's Facebook page, police in Corrientes captured an image of a bizarre being while responding to reports of a disturbance in a nearby park. The police had been called to the Miter Park area, near the abandoned boats, by a group of young people who reported a "strange person" exhibiting "strange behavior." Once they arrived, officers reportedly spotted the creature, and managed to take the above photograph on a cell phone; although they were unable to identify the entity prior to it escaping into the Panama River.
Despite the creature remaining unidentified, many are assigning it an extraterrestrial origin, due largely in part to its appearance--the over-sized head, large black eyes, and underdeveloped mouth and nose are said to be indicative of a 'grey' alien in UFO lore.
However, not everyone is convinced of the veracity of the photograph. The Singular Fortean Society's resident photographer and Photoshop expert, Emily Bartos, is suspicious of the blurring found along the outline of the hill upon which the creature stands.
"That's a very unnatural blur," she said. "Naturally occurring blur in a photo is either circular or straight, and the fact that this follows along the ground makes me suspect that it was used to cover digital manipulation."
The purported extraterrestrial photograph very well could have been faked, and it remains to be seen if any more information is forthcoming from Argentina to prove its authenticity.
Update: This photograph is now known to be a hoax. It is a still image taken from O.V.N.I., a Spanish horror movie.