'Large Winged Humanoid' Reported over Wheeling, Illinois
(Photo credit: Vance Nesbitt)
Lon Strickler of Phantoms and Monsters received a report via telephone last Tuesday from a son who wanted to relay his parents' sighting of a "large winged humanoid." His parents had reportedly seen the creature that evening at around 10:50 p.m. local time in Wheeling, Illinois.
"I received a telephone call on Tuesday May 1, 2018 at 12:50 AM ET," Strickler said in his blog. "This was approximately one hour after the incident."
"The witness was calling for his parents, who stated that they witnessed a large winged humanoid flying above the trees and creek behind their residence," he explained. "They were in the residence and observed the being for up to 30 seconds. They went out on their balcony to get a better look and possibly get a photograph, but the winged being had moved south and out of vision."
"When I was talking to the witnesses' son, I could hear them in the background," Strickler noted. "They seemed a bit shook and had their son make the call."
Strickler asked the son to email him with as much information as possible, and received the following email the next day.
Monday 4/30/2018 - 10:50 PM CT - Wheeling, IL - Seemed to be around 6 ft in height, the wings were sticking out as if they were arms at the front of the body. The wings seemed to be perfectly stretched out with no movement of flapping to keep flying, but yet it kept gliding above the creek in the back of our apartment. The wings weren't straight flat although perfectly stretched out. They were facing upward in an angle. Flew over (REDACTED) and disappeared into the woods in the back of the (REDACTED). This thing was also flying at 10 mph or so. This was witnessed by 2 people not just a single person. Husband and wife both saw this.
"I was later told that the wings were like those of a large bat and dark in color," added Strickler.
Strickler said that he was given the witnesses' names and contact information, which he has shared with the task force with whom he has been working to investigate flying humanoid sightings around Lake Michigan. A member of the task force is slated to investigate the sighting location in the near future, and the Singular Fortean Society will update this article with any new information as it becomes available.
Wheeling is just under 30 miles northwest of Chicago, and six miles west of Lake Michigan. The city is bordered to the east by the Potawatomi Woods.
Updated 5/7/18:
Investigator Vance Nesbitt visited the sighting location on Saturday, May 5th. Nesbitt confirmed the geographical details of the sighting, and took pictures to provide context. He reported that while he did ask a few other residents of the area about the sightings, none of them had any knowledge of it.
The creek behind the witnesses' residence. (Photo credit: Vance Nesbitt)
The tree line. (Photo credit: Vance Nesbitt)
(Photo credit: Vance Nesbitt)
A bird flying near the treeline for reference.
This is the latest news in a string of flying creature sightings reported around Lake Michigan. Most of the sightings have taken place near the lakefront in Chicago within a few miles of Lake Michigan, although there are some reports coming from the suburbs surrounding Chicago and even farther afield. The sightings generally take place in the evening or at night, often in or near a park, and around water. Witnesses consistently describe a large, bat or bird-like creature, although in a small number of cases the creature was described as insect-like; and humanoid features such as arms and legs are often reported. Many of the sightings are also of something seen only briefly or are described only as a flying creature with few details, which leaves open the possibility that a large bird or bird-like being could explain some encounters.
To report a sighting, reach out to us directly at The Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.
You can view a timeline of the sightings so far here, and an interactive map here.
This article was updated on 5/4/18. It originally stated that the sighting location was in Wilmington, but this was in error. The article has been updated to reflect the actual sighting location of Wheeling, Illinois.