Austin Residents Track UFO in Texas
Photograph taken by Christopher Sherman over Austin that shows an object streaking through the sky. This was taken at roughly the same time as Jensen's sighting.
Austin resident Rachel Jensen took a video of something unexplained in the sky last Monday evening. Her roommate called her outside to see three lights in the sky that were flying towards him.
"Just as I stepped out, I looked to the sky and saw the triangle. Just as it was separating into three. Well there was one in the front and two behind it. They were bright orange, glowing, almost fiery," says Jensen.
The two witnesses also reported a fourth light moving back and forth erratically. After the sighting, Jensen called Austin 311 to report what she had witnessed. According to the American Meteor Society at least five other people reported seeing fireballs over Texas and Louisiana around the same time.
Source: Fox 7 News