'Ghostly' Activity Caught on Camera at Irish School


A video captured by motion-activated camera at Deerpark CBS, in Cork city, Ireland, appears to show paranormal activity in the school.

The school's purported poltergeist opens and closes a door by itself, rocks a row of lockers back and forth, and opens another locker, shooting papers into the hallway.

“Obviously we were alerted to movement in the school and when we went back to review the movement that’s what we saw," Principal Kevin Barry said in an interview with the Express.

According to Barry, the activity occurred in "the middle of the night."

"We’re bemused ourselves, we don’t know [what it is]."

“We do feel there is something strange going on because people do get from time to time a real chill in the air when they go past that area."

“It’s very interesting – one of my teachers brings his pet in with him but the pet never wants to go down that way.”

The school administrator said he himself is a skeptic, but is at a loss to explain the video.

“I’m a sceptic myself but we said we’d throw it up on our Facebook page, simply because we don’t know is this a prank or what?"

"Is somebody playing games with us?"

The school dates back to 1828, and is the oldest on the south side of Cork city.

“It’s a very old building, going back a number of years and it’s got a lot of history," continued Barry.

“People in old buildings are always hearing noises and strange sounds but this is the first time we’ve actually caught something."

Principal Barry claimed that unusual activity wasn't new to the school, but that prior to the video, faculty was unsure of its cause.

“We’d often come across papers strewn about but we were never able to say what it was, we just assumed it was pupils that were doing it,” he said.

He also found it odd that none of the other motion-activated cameras near the corridor were triggered by the event.

“Because we have motion-sensor detectors now, we should have been able to detect other people coming towards that area on the other cameras, and we haven’t been able to," Barry said.

The video comes just weeks ahead of the school's "Fearpark" Halloween event on October 29th.



Tobias Wayland