Data Experts Create Interactive Maps of UFO Sightings

Data experts Pooja Gandhi and Adam Crahen of The Data Duo have created interactive maps of UFO sightings based on data compiled from the National UFO Reporting Center.  The two created the maps as part of an ongoing competition to compile data in interesting ways.

Although both maps focus heavily on the United States, Gandhi's contribution (pictured above) includes a section devoted to other UFO hotspots worldwide.  Canada and the United Kingdom have the greatest number of reported sightings after the U.S., with 4,003 and 2,373, respectively.

The maps show that most UFO sightings occur around heavily populated areas, at night, and in warmer weather--nighttime in July proving to be the most popular time to see a UFO.  According to the data, there have been 69,925 UFO sightings in the U.S.A. since 1960, with 58,828 of those having been reported since 1995; something experts conclude could be due to the Internet making it much easier to report such events.  

Tobias Wayland