'Scary Video' Shows Teen Supposedly Attacked by Spirit
A still from the video that shows the teen flailing around after the attack.
A video posted to the YouTube site Scary Videos purports to show a teen being attacked by a shadowy presence captured on a CCTV camera. The teen innocently picks a book off of the shelf before turning his back to a nearby door. The door opens, and a shadow crosses between the teen and the camera. At that time he falls to the floor, flailing wildly.
Many are claiming the video is a hoax, citing the teen's exaggerated movements and the convenient camera placement; while still others have noticed a disturbing trend.
"It is a hoax, a set up, because it's the same guy who is in the next video...a guy walking in a mall 'attack!'" said one commenter. "Shouldn't upset people with your created hoaxes! Shame on you."
"I don't know anymore. Since the first ghost attack videos that appeared on the net got a lot of views and became real popular more and more similar videos have been appearing. I think they are going to start being produced like crazy until they become a dime a dozen and have to come up with the next 'big thing'," said another.