'Haunted' Hill House for Sale in Texas
The haunted Hill House of Mineral Wells, Texas.
The reportedly haunted Hill House in Mineral Wells, Texas, is for sale with an asking price of $125,000. The property owner, Phil Kirchoff, claims that up to nine spirits inhabit the home. The booking website for the house boasts that the location has intelligent and residual hauntings, in addition to visitations from the nearby Baker Hotel, which itself is quite famously rumored to be haunted.
“When we bought the house we had no idea that it was haunted. I wasn’t involved in the paranormal at that point. The neighbors all started talking about it, they started telling us stories," says Kirchoff.
Becky Foley, an agent with Source 1 Real Estate, says that while she doesn't involve herself with the paranormal, she has witnessed some unusual activity associated with the house.
“A client got literally nauseously ill, and thought she was going to pass out and ran out,” said Foley.
‘She kept saying, ‘I can’t go back in there, something hit me the moment you opened the door, I cannot go back in there.”
According to Kirchoff, that sort of thing isn't unusual.
“He says the spirits do not want some people in this house, and they’ll chase them out,” said Foley of Kirchoff.
The home's living spaces are still adorned with past relics, like toy carousels and stuffed animals; and strange, unexplained modifications have also been made to the house over the years. A bathroom was mysteriously sealed shut, and burglar bars cover the windows.
“The cute little trinkets belong to the people who lived here,” said Foley.
“There is actually a bathroom that got sealed up and no one knows why."
“We’ve heard it could have been a brothel. We wonder if some of the people were maybe kept against their will, hence the bars–we don’t know."
The house has been appraised at just over $26,000, but Foley says its $125,000 price tag is indicative of the home's business potential. The house attracts investigators searching for supernatural activity, and on the weekends groups will explore the area and post their stories on the Haunted Hill House's Facebook page.
A Friday overnight stay costs $200, and Saturday will set you back $250. This includes up to eight guests. According to their website, they supply all ghost hunting equipment free of charge, if necessary, and have a 16 camera system that records activity in all of their rooms. Tours of the house are currently booked through September.
Kirchoff does not live on the property grounds, and Foley says his hope is that any potential buyer will honor the house's haunted heritage.
“His hope is whoever takes it and buys it, will have the love for what he loves. I think it will make a cool bed and breakfast. We’ll just have to see what its future holds."