Witnesses Provide Rough Silhouettes of Chicago Flying Humanoid

Witness silhouette of the "bat-like" McCook creature.

Witness silhouette of the "bat-like" McCook creature.

Witness silhouette of the "huge flying shadow" seen over Possum Hollow.

Witness silhouette of the "huge flying shadow" seen over Possum Hollow.

Witnesses to the flying humanoid sightings over McCook and Possum Hollow Woods recently submitted silhouettes of the creatures they claimed to have seen to Lon Strickler of Phantoms and Monsters.  Strickler had originally asked the witnesses for sketches of the creature, but many people are reluctant to try to draw something out of fear--not of being laughed at for saying they saw a flying humanoid, but rather for their dearth of artistic ability.  The Singular Fortean Society's Emily Bartos cleaned up the pictures provided, and added some detail based on the witnesses' descriptions, to help give a better idea of what they claimed to have seen.

Artist's interpretation of the "bat-like" McCook creature. (Emily Wayland / Singular Fortean Society)

Artist's interpretation of the "bat-like" McCook creature. (Emily Wayland / Singular Fortean Society)

Artist's interpretation of the "huge flying shadow" seen over Possum Hollow. (Emily Wayland / Singular Fortean Society)

Artist's interpretation of the "huge flying shadow" seen over Possum Hollow. (Emily Wayland / Singular Fortean Society)

To report a sighting, reach out to us directly at The Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.

You can view a timeline of the sightings so far here, and an interactive map here.

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Tobias Wayland