Video Shows 'Ghost' Shattering Pint Glass in British Pub


Reputedly haunted pub The Salmon in northern England shared a video to its Facebook page on January 1st which shows a partially full pint glass shatter with no discernible cause.

The Belford, Northumberland pub’s landlords Michael and Donna Duns posted the CCTV footage to social media, claiming it’s not the first odd event to take place on the property.

"I've heard the pub is haunted off a few people before,” Michael said. “Which I believe now after this happened.”

"The three tables in the video have been known to be where main incidents happen regarding glasses moving and falling off tables. We have seen two glass moving incidents but never breaking like that,” he added.

In fact, this isn't the first time paranormal activity has been reportedly caught on film in the pub.

"There is another video of one of our bar staff feeling or hearing something in her ear while serving, you can see on camera she is clearly spooked," said Michael.

Some Facebook users were skeptical of any paranormal explanation, saying that glasses shattering in a similar manner are a common occurrence in pubs.

"Worked and managed loads of's quite common as the glass washer can make glasses a warm glass/environment plus a cold beverage!!!" Ginny Fear responded to the posted video. "Guess the rest...sorry but happens all the time in pubs...perfectly normal I'm afraid."

But Michael insisted the event was unusual.

"The glass had been there for about 20 minutes and there was still half a pint in it," he said.

Presumably, the glass sitting for that long would preclude any sudden, violent interaction between a warm glass and cold beer that might cause such a disturbance.

The Duns insist that the video was not a “set up,” and maintain that, regardless of its cause, the shattering glass represents a mystery that was not created for publicity.

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