Witness Reports Footprints Left by "Big, Black Birdman" in West Englewood, Chicago

An image of one of the ‘footprints’ sent to Strickler. (Lon Strickler / Phantoms & Monsters)

An image of one of the ‘footprints’ sent to Strickler. (Lon Strickler / Phantoms & Monsters)

Lon Strickler of Phantoms & Monsters spoke to a man in late February who reported a sighting his mother had of a “big, black birdman” only a few days prior. According to the man, the creature left footprints in the snow that he was able to photograph.

"On Friday, February 28th, 2020, I received a telephone call from [the son of a witness] who lives in the area of West 62nd Street & South Paulina Street in Chicago's West Englewood neighborhood," Strickler said. “[He] stated that on Wednesday, February 26th, 2020, at early dawn (estimated to be between 5:30 am and 6 am local time) his mother was awoken by 'footsteps' on the roof of their second-floor apartment. She looked out the window into the backyard and observed a 'big, black birdman' landing in the backyard along the six-foot fence. It was hopping and walking about as if it was chasing something. It then spread its wings and bound over the fence into the adjacent lot."

Three photos of the ‘footprints’ recorded by the witness’ son. {Lon Strickler / Phantoms & Monsters)

Three photos of the ‘footprints’ recorded by the witness’ son. {Lon Strickler / Phantoms & Monsters)

"The [creature's] height was about six feet compared to the fence and the wings were [12 or more feet] in width, judging by the width of the double gate (each gate is five feet, ten inches wide) it was standing near," Strickler continued. "The wing shape was undetermined though it seemed to be broad and gargoyle-like. There were no distinguishable features on the body other than it was standing on double-toed clawed feet with a small appendage extending from the back of the foot (possible spur)."

One of the impressions as compared to a size 11 shoe print. (Lon Strickler / Phantoms & Monsters)

One of the impressions as compared to a size 11 shoe print. (Lon Strickler / Phantoms & Monsters)

According to Strickler, just after the sighting and again later that morning, "[the son] was able to obtain photos of the tracks in the snow near the fence and in the backyard, as well as a line of tracks in the adjacent lot. He estimated that the length of the tracks are comparable to the length of a size 11 men's shoe and that the distance/stride of the tracks is three to four feet at the longest."

Photographs of the sighting area and fence used to estimate the creature’s size. (Lon Strickler / Phantoms & Monsters)

Photographs of the sighting area and fence used to estimate the creature’s size. (Lon Strickler / Phantoms & Monsters)

This is the second recorded case of one or more footprints being found at a reported sighting location in the Lake Michigan Mothman investigation—the first came as a result of an onsite investigation in Woodstock performed by Tobias and Emily Wayland. However, that impression more closely resembled a large, bare, humanoid footprint.

Strickler first shared the photographs with other members of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team prior to making them public. Various animal prints were considered when speculating about their origin, and a similarity with the impressions left by hares and rabbits was noted. That explanation is complicated by the staggered gait evident in the prints. A hare or rabbit normally leaves impressions in a more-or-less straight line, rather than the alternating left-to-right pattern seen here, although one relatively popular hypothesis is that the tracks might have been caused by two rabbits travelling side-by-side.

The sighting location is six miles west of Lake Michigan, and within several miles of many of the other reported sightings in the Chicago area.

This is the latest in a string of ‘Mothman’ sighting reports from within a few hundred mile radius surrounding Lake Michigan, including every state bordering the great lake. The sightings ostensibly began in the spring of 2017, but more historical accounts are being reported as more people become aware of the phenomenon. Sightings of weird winged beings around Lake Michigan have been reported at all hours, often in or near a park, and around water.  Witnesses consistently describe a large, gray or black bat or bird-like creature—although in a small number of cases the creature was described as insect-like—sometimes with glowing or reflective red, yellow, or orange eyes; and humanoid features such as arms and legs are often reported.  Many of the sightings are also of something seen only briefly or are described only as a flying creature with few details, which leaves open the possibility that a large avian being could explain some encounters. Sightings of anomalous avians, including thunderbirds and pterosaurs, are often reported in or near the same locations as those where witnesses have reported winged humanoids. 

To report a sighting, reach out to us directly at the Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.

You can view a timeline of the Lake Michigan Mothman sightings so far here, and an interactive map here.

To report your own encounter with the impossible, reach out to us directly at the Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.

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