Mysterious Falling Object Caught on Camera During Lightning Storm in Texas
A still image of the video reportedly shot by Conner. (Pen News)
According to Pen News, a news media distribution company out of the UK, a 23-year-old man in Amarillo, Texas, was filming a lightning storm when a mysterious object flashed across the sky in front of him.
The man, referred to only as Conner, was reportedly working the night shift at a meatpacking plant when he recorded the event.
“I can’t say that I have encountered anything like this before,” he told Pen News. “I’ve never really recorded the skies or anything and that day of the storm I really felt the need to record."
Following his sighting, Conner wasn't sure what he had seen, but hoped it was a meteor.
“I’m open to any suggestions as to what it might be or what it was," he said. "Best case scenario it was a meteor because I’ve never seen one! And worst case scenario, an alien invasion.”
Conner reportedly shared the footage online, after which some viewers were said to have compared the object to the meteor carrying hostile, invading aliens in H.G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds.
The Singular Fortean Society was unable to locate the original post to confirm any comments.
“Looks like when the Martians lightning bolted into the ground,” one viewer was said to have commented in reference to the 2005 film adaptation.
“It’s an alien space craft,” another viewer reportedly said.
Popular skeptical explanations for the object include lightning reflecting off of a bug or drop of rain, ball lightning—an unexplained phenomenon characterized by sightings of glowing spheres—and a meteor.
It’s worth noting that the Eta Aquariids meteor shower is active from April 15th through May 27th this year, but peaked on May 4th and 5th.
The meteor shower is most visible from the southern tropics, but can produce between 10 and 30 meteors an hour farther north of the equator, especially in the hours just before dawn.
It is unknown precisely when Conner’s video was recorded, but Pen News posted the video on May 6th.
Amarillo, Texas, experienced severe storms earlier this month, on both the 1st and 2nd of May, and then again on the 4th.
If the video was recorded sufficiently late at night on any of those dates, particularly the 4th, it is not unreasonable to speculate the object captured might be a meteor.
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