Video of Unidentified Object in Loch Ness Represents Fourth "Official" Nessie Sighting Report of 2022
A still image from the video showing the wake left by whatever was moving in the loch. (Daily Mail)
A video of something moving in Scotland’s Loch Ness has become the fourth “official” sighting to be recorded on The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register in 2022.
The video was captured at 6:16 a.m. on April 25th by a husband and wife who were vacationing in a cottage overlooking Urquhart Castle near Loch Ness.
In it, an indiscernible object can be seen creating a wake while moving through the water about 450 feet from shore.
The couple have asked to remain anonymous, but the wife told the Daily Mail that they hoped the video could be analyzed to determine what the object was.
"We were fairly ambivalent about the Loch Ness monster. We enjoyed the stories but didn’t necessarily believe them," she said. "We’d definitely love for somebody to analyze the video. If it helps anybody work out what’s down there then it’d be our absolute pleasure. We would be delighted."
According to the woman, she had awoken just after 6 a.m. that day and decided to take some photographs of the picturesque loch, but began filming after noticing something large that appeared to be moving in the water.
The couple estimated the unknown object’s size to be between 20 and 30 feet in length.
The woman filmed the object for just over two and a half minutes as it seemed to swim beneath the water, using at least one fin or limb to paddle "like an oar."
"I really don’t know what it was in the water. It was something large. I don’t think it really equates on the video quite how large it was," the woman said. "We don’t know what the creature was. It was propelling itself with something. It wasn’t how a fish would do it."
You could see it much clearer than it’s come out in the photos. The lumps or humps or whatever they are kept disappearing under the water, but it was still pushing forward under the water.
You could see something under the water, then it rushed forward and turned round. From what we could gauge, it was between 20 and 30 feet long. There was nothing else on the loch, no boats, nothing.
The woman's husband added, "We were not here to look for the Loch Ness monster, we wanted to enjoy the beautiful scenery. There is something weird went on out there on the loch. Somebody far more intelligent than us on a scientific basis can analyze it and if it helps contribute anything to the understanding of the phenomena or even if it rekindles a bit of interest and fun in a world that’s full of so much misery at the moment then that can’t not be a good thing."
Gary Campbell, who runs The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register, said, “In terms of video evidence, there’s been two or three really good videos in the past but this is certainly up there with the best of them. When something like this comes along which is genuinely inexplicable then it is great."
In his entry for the sighting, Campbell wrote that the video “was later examined by a local photographic and video expert who said that what they captured was clearly animate, came out of the water before going back in again (and then out once more) and was definitely larger than, for example, the bird life in the loch.”
However, Dr. Darren Naish, a paleozoological researcher and author of Hunting Monsters, disagreed that the footage showed anything unusual.
"We see two tiny black objects, filmed at great distance," Dr. Naish said of the video's contents. "They’re nothing more than unidentifiable specks on the water and there’s no indication that we’re seeing something that’s especially large or unusual in shape. Based on how boats look from the same approximate location and distance, the objects must be small—I estimate less than [20 inches] long."
"I see no reason why they can’t be birds—probably ducks," he concluded. "The wakes they leave on the surface look interesting, but wakes of this sort are common on the loch’s surface when conditions are right."
The sighting captured in this video came just 10 days after local man Glenn Blevins' sighting on the 15th of April.
“I was near Aldourie Castle on [Friday the 15th of April]. working on the banks of the loch, when I saw a large animate object in the water between both banks of the loch at [approximately] 9:30 a.m.," Blevins said in a report to The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register. "It was dark in color and stayed there for around 20 seconds before sinking into the water. I watched it with binoculars that I’d taken with me in the hope of seeing ospreys that had recently returned to the area. It was difficult to estimate the size but it was definitely larger than a seal and given the angle, there may have been two, one behind the other.”
Blevins explained that he had lived in the area for over 30 years, regularly worked around the loch, and had fished many times on Loch Ness, but he had never seen anything like this before and felt privileged to have witnessed it.
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