Anachronistic Art: Cave Paintings (Chhattisgarh, India)
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So far in this series we've taken a look at UFOs appearing in paintings out of the renaissance era, so this week we shall go ahead and look back 10,000 years. These cave paintings were discovered in Chhattisgarh, India and seem to depict a UFO craft as well as alien beings. Interestingly enough, the "aliens" have a strinkingly similar resemblance to classic grey aliens as seen in many Hollywood Films.
What was running through the minds of the prehistoric humans that created these paintings? Are they imagined, or did they actually see something and wish to record their experience? It would be a strange coincidence if these ancient humans were actually visited by a species of alien similar to what we continue to experience in both the media and reported close encounters. Could this perhaps be evidence of the truth?
Unusually Yours,
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