Distant Relatives

The Himalayan Yeti bears a striking resemblance to North America's Sasquatch. They're both large, powerfully-built, apelike hominids with black or reddish-brown fur. They both seem alternatively curious and fearful about humanity, and they both have a talent for disappearing into thin air.  Could they be related? There are no shortage of hairy hominid sightings on this planet, and it's certainly something to consider.

Perhaps these creatures have lived beside us forever—whether as interdimensional interlopers or undiscovered animals—or perhaps they're a distant relative of our own who has survived past our current scientific understanding of the origin of humanity; some even speculate that certain sightings could be of the ghosts of our far distant evolutionary ancestors. Many psychologists believe that Bigfoot and Yeti are an archetypal representation of something that exists within all of us—a wildman—and we're simply seeing something of ourselves in nature. But if we are seeing our own archetypes reflected back at us, does that represent an overactive imagination or is some unknown intelligence the one holding the mirror? As forteans, of course, we must consider the possibility that the truth is a convoluted mystery involving every angle mentioned, and likely more than a few that haven’t even been yet considered.

Tobias Wayland