Paranormal Pop Culture: The Flatwoods Monster in Digital Media
A still from the Nintendo video game Amagon.
The Flatwoods Monster's unique appearance has become rather iconic over the years, and this has led to the creature being featured in a number of video games. The final boss of the 1988 Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game Amagon, pictured above, is one such instance. Our favorite UFO occupant to haunt Flatwoods, West Virginia, has also influenced the appearance of the aliens referred to as "Them" in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask; "Gimme" in the Wii U game The Wonderful 101; the Space World boss in Tumblepop; the Hayokonton in Wild Arms; enemies in the Las Vegas level of Ninja Baseball Batman; and a similar version of the monster can be conjured in the Scribblenauts game series.
Similar to the Kelly-Hopkinsville goblins, the Flatwoods Monster has become a popular symbol in Japanese culture; so it's no surprise to see it pop up again and again in video games.