Paranormal Artist Profile: Jacob Barnett
Once again we've chosen this photo for the top of the article for no other reason than it's our favorite.
Featured artist Jacob Barnett has been interested in the paranormal for most of his life, having been inspired by a mixture of horror movies, paranormal television shows, and real-life experiences.
"Growing up my father's fiance's house was a house built in the 1800's and that is where I had my first encounter with the paranormal," Jacob told us. "Multiple investigations later and that place is still a big factor of my curiosity in this genre."
He also enjoys paranormal television like Killer Legends, Ghost Hunters, and Ghost Adventures. Jacob discovered Ghost Hunters in elementary school, and credits it with helping to develop his interest in the paranormal. And while that show may no longer be on the air, he still enjoys other paranormal shows.
"Ghost Adventures still gets some good energy out of me," Jacob said.
When asked about personal paranormal heroes, Jacob left little room for doubt about his particular favorite.
"Josh Gates," Jacob said. "He's been one of my favorites in the field for years now."
Look familiar? Here's the original version of "The Witch," prior to its conversion into a more vintage appearance.
Not surprisingly, this photographer's interest in the unusual lies most heavily in the area of hauntings.
It isn't all ghosts with Jacob, though, who mentioned that his current favorite mystery is that of Texas's Old Alton Bridge, also known as Goatman's Bridge, after the mischievous satyr said to inhabit the forest surrounding it.
"My personal favorite [paranormal story] at the moment is the story behind Goatman's Bridge," he said. "Going to visit it and take some photographs around my birthday next month!"
We personally can't wait to see how those come out.
But that's not all Jacob has coming up.
"In the early months of next year, I'm planning on filming and starting work on a variety of projects based around some of the most paranormally active locations in Texas," he teased in our interview. "Going to be a fun ride! A lot of filming and a lot of photos to be taken, that's about all I can reveal right now."
Well, we'll definitely be anxiously anticipating more word on that. In the meantime, keep up with Jacob on Instragam and in our art portal, and naturally we'll keep everyone apprised of any new developments in this exciting young artist's career.