Singular Cerebrations: New Horizons

We're coming up on our one year anniversary in a few days, and I'd like to take this opportunity to reflect on what we've accomplished and thank everybody who has helped us get this far.  Emily and I weren't sure in what direction we were headed when we formed the Society in the spring of 2016, but we knew we wanted to contribute to the fortean community in any way our skills would allow.  Since then we've narrowed our focus to journalism and community building, and now I'm excited to say that we've undergone a complete rebrand to match our visual identity to our mission.

We've made a few friends along the way, and I've got to say that we couldn't have done it without you.  So, thank you to Mike and Lisa from Madison Ghost Walks, Tea Krulos and everyone at the Milwaukee ParaCon, Loren Coleman and Linda Godfrey for being the most patient interviewees of all time, Colin Schneider for bringing us a fresh perspective, Joe Colossa for welcoming us into his home, and Rick and Melissa Clevenger for one of our earliest adventures.  And a special thank you, of course, to everybody whose continued daily support keeps us going.  Knowing that you're out there reading our articles, viewing our designs, and appreciating our research means everything to Emily and me--it is absolutely what keeps us going.  Thanks to you, we've grown from a small audience numbering in the hundreds, to a site that now brings our brand of forteana to thousands.  Seriously, thank you for being with us.

This year we're excited to build on what we've started, and we'll be bringing you coverage of every fortean story we can conceivably fit into 2017.  We're starting a Madison ghost book this spring, we're launching a brand new artist's portal to bring you the best in fortean art, we've got a few fun features lined up over the next couple of months, and we're already planning our coverage of October's Chicago Ghost Con.  I'm absolutely certain that there will be a multitude of interesting events that deserve our attention between now and then, of course, and as always, if there's something you want to see covered, or you have an interesting story you'd like to share, let us know.  Otherwise, keep investigating the impossible with us, and we'll see you at the next meetup.

Yours in Impossibility,



Tobias & Emily Wayland