Paranormal Artist Profile: Kristin Palmer
I had no special reason for putting this here, other than that it's my favorite.
Kristin Palmer uses a stylized realism to bring the creatures that inhabit the darkest corners of our world to her canvas. She's been drawing and painting her entire life, and loves researching various aspects of the unknown to inform her art.
Kristin tells us that she's "always been obsessed with the paranormal, cryptids and everything supernatural and unknown. So with being an artist on top of that obsession, it just made sense for me to start painting the paranormal genre on top of my normal subject matter, and since my normal subject matter is fantasy, it fits right in."
"My house is haunted so I’ve heard voices and noises that don’t belong, have had things moved around, seen shadows, been touched and scratched multiple times. A previous place I worked at was haunted as well and I’ve seen a full shadow person, have heard footsteps and such there, too. I visit Salem, MA, often and a few years ago my hair was tugged in one of the graveyards, immediately after getting a strange photo. I visited Gettysburg and got a very strange photo I can’t explain on the battlefield. I’ve gotten an anomaly in a photo at the Lizzie Borden House while taking a tour…"
It's certainly no wonder why Kristin paints what she does.
She doesn't play favorites when it comes to subjects of the supernatural, though, saying "I think at this point I’m just obsessed with them all."
As though you needed another reason to avoid graveyards after dark.
However, if you forced her to pick just one story it might be that of the Black Eyed Kids.
"I’ve been really intrigued with the Black Eyed Kids. They were actually my first painting in my 'Cryptid, Urban Legend, Supernatural/Fortean' series."
If you're as big a fan of Kristin as we are, then make sure to keep your eyes peeled for her latest project.
"I’ve been working with my friend and actor, Alexander Polinsky, creating an interactive art book for his creation, Avatarism. Avatarism is an inquiry into the nature of character itself, an open source game/philosophy of conscious character creation and a worldwide transformational movement. Avatarism is the ultimate game in a choose your own adventure universe. Basically, access the superhero within!!"
You can learn more about Avatarism here, and make sure to check out Kristin's work in our art portal, and at her website.