Paranormal Artist Profile: Kyle Schmitt
Kyle's artwork is amazingly weird, and like french fries, we love it.
Kyle Schmitt has been interested in weird things his whole life, which is certainly something to which we can relate.
"I always liked drawing crazy and weird things. In school, I would doodle in my note books and try to make crazy scenes," says Kyle. "This lead me to drawing aliens and ghosts a lot because they are such blank canvas subjects"
"I tend to like drawing UFOs and aliens more often. The great thing about aliens is that they can even fall under the monsters category. Seeing Star Wars and Star Trek is really great too, because they help feed my imagination. Aliens can literally look like whatever you want them to look like! I think that’s really cool."
We couldn't agree more.
One of the most influential experiences in Kyle's development as an artist was discovering the Ghost Scouts, a collective of eccentric artists and creatives who support each other in their endeavors.
"Ghostscouts is the best!"
"So, I love Adventure Time and one time I was watching it and noticed the name 'Ghostshrimp' in the credits," Kyle tells us. "So I looked him up and saw that he runs a camp where artists and other creative minded people go and camp on his land up in Vermont."
"It’s for a whole month, and during that time you build forts, go hiking, and draw. A lot. Being a Ghostscout plays a big role in my life. Because of the camp, I met amazing artist friends, who really help encourage me to do and make my best. It really helped me see that I am capable of pursuing art as a profession."
Naturally, we have to ask Kyle if he has had any paranormal experiences of his own, and he tells us that he did have a strange encounter while in the woods with his fellow Ghostscouts.
"When I was at Ghostscout Training Camp, we had to make forts out in the woods," he says.
"Me and my team found a great spot to set up our base, but when we started to really look around the area there were like three mushroom caps sitting upside down in the trees nearby. These mushrooms were even in a triangle formation! We didn’t know/ don’t know, who or what put them in the trees. Very spooky."
Weird stuff. If you like Kyle's art--and you should--then check him out in our paranormal art portal, or visit him at his website.
And keep your eyes peeled for his art to appear on t-shirts, buttons, and stickers. Kyle tells us he's working on creating a web store right now, so of course we will keep you up-to-date on any developments regarding that.