Kettle Moraine Update 9/20/20
(Emily Wayland / Singular Fortean Society)
You may have read our recent news article about the teens robbed at gunpoint while ghost hunting in Texas, or our article from 2017 about the hikers who needed to be rescued after chasing UFOs in Boston’s Blue Hills. All too often in this field, people go out in search of fun and adventure without taking safety seriously. Well, we can tell you it’s something we take very seriously, and it will be at the forefront of our minds this Friday as we once again head into the Kettle Moraine State Forest with our friends Jay Bachochin and Adam Benedict.
Other people are usually the most dangerous thing you’ll encounter when investigating, and with the recent resurgence of that fake Wisconsin DNR poster warning of bigfoot in the Kettle (thanks a lot, Adam), we’re prepared for any unexpected encounters. Avoidance is the best policy here, so we’ll be extra vigilant for any interloping looky-loos while in the forest. We’re heading out to retrieve a trail cam we set up several weeks ago, and our timing is probably perfect, since we don’t want to run the risk of someone else finding it before we do.
We’ll be sure to let you know if the trail cam turns up anything interesting—we baited it with sasquatch pheromone purchased from Osmic Research Company—and if you’d like to catch up on our adventures in the Kettle Moraine State Forest then we’d recommend you visit our Patreon page.
Keep It Weird,
Tobias & Emily
To report your own encounter with the impossible, reach out to us directly at the Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.
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