'Ghost' Photobombs Tourists' Selfie at Myrtles Plantation

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A photograph posted to the Myrtles Plantation Facebook page on Monday purports to show an image of a ghost appearing behind a group of women taking a selfie outside of the historic building.  Thousands of internet users have viewed the photograph, and speculation regarding the origin of the ghostly face in the window ranges from Photoshop to a spiritual presence.

The Myrtles Plantation was built in 1796 in St. Francisville, Louisiana, and has a long history of ghostly phenomena.  Perhaps its most famous undead resident is a supposed former slave named Chloe, who, legend has it, accidentally poisoned the children of the house's owner; although there are no historical records to support this claim.  Despite this, many other tales of paranormal activity have been told about the plantation, and visitors flock to it in order to investigate its reputedly haunted grounds for themselves.

Tobias Wayland