Former President of Poland Warns of Possible UFO Invasion

Former president of Poland Lech Walesa addressing the Civic Club in Krosno. (Portal Krosno24 / YouTube)

Former president of Poland Lech Walesa addressing the Civic Club in Krosno. (Portal Krosno24 / YouTube)

Former president of Poland Lech Walesa made several cryptic statements regarding the possibility of alien intervention in earthly affairs last week during a speech he made in front of the Civic Club in Krosno, Poland.

The statements were made in reference to potential turmoil involving France and Russia.

"There are three levels of intellectual development on other galaxies. We are the lowest. And the higher civilization comes as a UFO and others, and looks at what they are doing here. If we threaten to destabilize here with [French president Emmanuel] Macron, [Russian president Vladimir] Putin there, they will interrupt us, cut us in half, the Earth will collapse, everyone will [be] crush[ed]," predicted Walesa, according to FAKT24.

“[Such an alien civilization] can hold us that way for five thousand years," he added. "They will send Adam and Eve and we will build the world again."

Those statements may have been speculation in the face of mounting international tension in the region, but Walesa also asked something that points to a real belief in contact between extraterrestrials and mankind.

"Today people find things, dig in stones, these answer, where did it come from?" he asked.

Based on his remarks, it seems as though Walesa is of the opinion that some higher intelligence is behind the UFO phenomenon, and that, although they are normally hands-off in their approach to human affairs, they might be prompted to interrupt a significant enough conflict—and that such an interruption would have dire consequences for humanity.

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