Vince Doerr and the 1997 Skunk Ape Photo bigfoot, monsters, skunk apeTobias WaylandSeptember 28, 2017
Paranormal Pop Culture: The Fort Myers Miracle's Skunk Ape skunk ape, monsters, bigfootTobias WaylandSeptember 26, 2017
The 2015 Hillsborough River Skunk Ape Hoax skunk ape, bigfoot, monstersTobias WaylandSeptember 21, 2017
Paranormal Pop Culture: Creepy Acres' Skunk Ape bigfoot, monsters, skunk apeTobias WaylandSeptember 19, 2017
Physical Differences between Bigfoot and the Skunk Ape monsters, bigfoot, skunk apeTobias WaylandSeptember 18, 2017