The 1974 Near Miss of a Skunk Ape on State Road 27 in Florida bigfoot, monsters, skunk apeTobias WaylandSeptember 7, 2017
Paranormal Pop Culture: Florida's Official Skunk Ape Headquarters bigfoot, skunk apeTobias WaylandSeptember 5, 2017
Paranormal Pop Culture: The Legend of the Jersey Devil jersey devil, monstersTobias WaylandAugust 29, 2017
Paranormal Pop Culture: 13th Child: Legend of the Jersey Devil monsters, jersey devilTobias WaylandAugust 22, 2017
Paranormal Pop Culture: Jersey Devil, the Video Game jersey devil, monstersTobias WaylandAugust 15, 2017
Fortean Photography: A Beginner's Guide to Spotting Hoaxed Photos ghostsTobias WaylandAugust 11, 2017
Paranormal Pop Culture: The Jersey Devil and The X-Files jersey devil, monstersTobias WaylandAugust 8, 2017