Woman Reports Being Chased by Bigfoot in New York's Hudson Valley


Investigator Gayle Baetty with Bigfoot Researchers of the Hudson Valley spoke with a woman recently who claimed to have been chased by a bigfoot in New York's Hudson Valley.

According to the witness, who wished to remain anonymous, the encounter took place in Hyde Park on July 2nd.

"This huge creature came running towards her. She heard, you know, the bushes were parting and she heard these heavy footsteps," Baetty said in an interview with News12 Westchester. "The creature jumped up in the tree above her, and branches and leaves started falling on her, and then the creature started to move from tree to tree. She said it was terrifying."

Baetty said the witness described the creature as being between six and seven feet tall.

The sighting’s relative popularity has encouraged other witnesses to come forward and share similar experiences with Baetty.

“My son texted me yesterday and asked if this was about me and laughed,” read one such report received by the investigator. “My adult sons have been laughing at me and making jokes since I also live in Hyde Park in a wooded area and have all kinds of animals in our backyard. In late June a horrible smell woke me up…it smelled like acid and feces…so I got up and looked out the upstairs window and there was something that looked like a gorilla. It turned around and looked up at me…I used a flashlight…I was so scared I went back to bed and was afraid to look again. I was going to call one of my sons but it was [3 am].”

Another report from July 25th came from a man who said he had heard strange screams and howls while out walking his dog.

Similar eerie howls have been recorded in Canada, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

“I was walking my dog outside around I would say about 12:57 am [when] my dog went absolutely nuts [and] tried pulling me into the woods,” he said in his report. “I had to bring him inside the house. I went back outside [and] I heard trees moving and then I pulled out my phone to record what was going on. It was absolutely scary, [I had] never heard that noise ever. And it was in my backyard in Hyde Park. I live off of Roosevelt Road.”

Another witness commented on the man’s video to report his own experience.

"I live in Hyde Park, [and] I have heard the second roar, not quiet that loud," he said. "I take my dog out around 10:30 pm and 4:30 am each day, and yeah no it's so quiet out and [I] can hear everything. I live off Crum Elbow."

Baetty responded that she will be “going out…to investigate” the area. The results of that investigation are pending.

To report your own encounter with the impossible, reach out to us directly at the Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.

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