Clallam County in Washington Declared Refuge for Sasquatch

Last month in Clallam County, Washington, county commissioners signed an official “Proclamation Recognizing and Honoring Sasquatch.”
According to the proclamation:
WHEREAS, legends, sightings, research, investigation and recognition by various counties in various States support the notion that Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot, yeti, and giant hairy ape) exists; and
WHEREAS, if Sasquatch exists, it is not flourishing, given the very unusual event of being sighted, and it is likely an endangered species and subject to great harm and extinction if it continues to be unprotected;
WHEREAS, Clallam County desires that its citizens recognize the need to protect Sasquatch if it exists;
NOW THEREFORE, WE THE BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS hereby Request all citizens of Clallam County recognize this County as a refuge for Sasquatch to prove both protection and security and also supports the Forks Sasquatch Day, May 26th through May 28th, 2023.
Signed this 11th day of April, 2023.
Clallam County isn’t the first county in Washington to provide legal support for Bigfoot.
In Skamania County, “any premeditated, willful and wanton slaying” of a Bigfoot is a gross misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1000 fine.
Furthermore, as recently as 2018, Senator Ann Rivers of La Center, Washington, reintroduced a bill designating Sasquatch as the official state cryptid.
That bill died in committee.
However, in 2019, the state adopted a "special license plate" that “recognizes the importance of Sasquatch in history and folklore, and supports the maintenance and improvements of Washington state parks.”
According to The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), Washington State leads the nation in Bigfoot sightings with over 700 reported to date.
Skamania County holds the most sighting reports within the state at 65, while Clallam County has 17.
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