Couple Reports Sighting of Ten-Foot-Tall Bigfoot Along Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania
Lon Strickler of Phantoms & Monsters received the following report this morning from a couple hiking on the Appalachian Trail near Halifax, Pennsylvania, who said they encountered a 10-foot-tall Bigfoot at around 9 a.m. yesterday.
My girlfriend and I woke up yesterday (Monday, August 14, 2023) around 9 AM at Peters Mountain Shelter on the Appalachian Trail. We had begun to continue our backpacking trek north. We had an encounter with a Bigfoot for sure. It was easily 10' tall, with no smell that I recalled. I yelled "Hey" in order to scare it away. We were scared and didn't know what else to do.
The creature turned around, looked at us, and made a soft grunt noise and ran away making huge running strides with very little noise. We quickly hiked north on the trail. I grabbed my phone and "dropped a pin" on the location (see included images).
I always thought these were folklore. Definitely not! I'm still in shock.
I'm happy to answer any questions you have, however, I want to remain anonymous - regards.
Two of the images shared with Strickler. (Phantoms & Monsters)
"The Peters Mountain Shelter is located in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania," Strickler said. "I am staying in contact with these hikers and have asked them to offer any further details that they wish to disclose."
Also, he added, "According to sources, there was a Bigfoot sighting reported on Friday, May 18th, 2018, at the nearby Yellow Springs, Pennsylvania, which is also along the Appalachian Trail. The Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team will follow up with this recent sighting."
The Appalachian Trail has no shortage of Bigfoot encounters, and in 2020, investigator Aubrey Bowen spoke with a woman who said that she and her friends had shot and wounded one just off of the trail on Georgia’s Blood Mountain.
Pennsylvania has also seen its share of reports. According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), two encounters in the state have been reported as recently as this year, although they both took place in December of last year.
One encounter was reported in Potter County, where hunters reportedly heard wood knocks outside of Austin, and the other was in Indiana County, where a resident found what some believe to be a Bigfoot trackway in a field near their home.