Calling all Paranormal Artists for the 2nd Annual Haunted Holidays Art Competition! paranormal art portalTobias WaylandSeptember 30, 2019
Reports from the Void: 'That Incident Made a Believer out of Me!' reports from the void, aliens, UFOTobias WaylandSeptember 25, 2019
Reports from the Void: 'It Was Far Too Large to be an Owl' lake michigan mothman, reports from the voidTobias WaylandJune 15, 2019
Reports from the Void: 'I Have Seen the Winged Creature' lake michigan mothman, monsters, reports from the voidTobias WaylandMay 26, 2019
Reports from the Void: 'I Will Contact You Further Should the Need Arise.' lake michigan mothman, monsters, reports from the voidTobias WaylandMay 2, 2019
Reports from the Void: 'I Swear I Believe You' reports from the void, lake michigan mothmanTobias WaylandMarch 23, 2019
Fortean Profile: Joshua and Hayley from the Creep'd Out Podcast fortean profile, ghostsTobias WaylandMarch 3, 2019
Reports from the Void: 'I Saw Something Strange' reports from the voidTobias WaylandFebruary 13, 2019