Indiana Man Reports Recent Sighting of Amber Orbs near Muncie
(Emily Wayland / Singular Fortean Society)
Indiana resident Garry Patterson contacted Tobias Wayland, the Singular Fortean Society’s lead investigator, early Friday morning to report a sighting of three amber-colored orbs he’d seen south of Muncie, Indiana.
In a message sent to Wayland, Patterson said that he’d just arrived home after seeing the orbs.
"I was driving east just south of Muncie, Indiana at approximately [12:40 am] when I saw [an orb] straight [to my] east. Then, when I could see better, there was another [orb] more to the south," he said.
Patterson described the orbs as amber in color, and said there was no movement or flashing. They appeared coin-sized, he said, but he couldn’t discern what their actual size was.
"Its really hard to tell with a light, but most have appeared the same size, and are usually the same color: amber/orange," he said. "I do know the one to the north looked bigger; it was a steeper angle, more above me. To be close enough or large enough for one to look larger above me, I would guesstimate three to four feet across, no smaller."
As he watched, "the one straight to the east 'shut off,' so I looked around and there was one that seemed closer to the north."
"As I was driving, there were trees in the way on some parts," he continued. "Then the one to the north 'shut off.' I could still see the one to the southeast, then it was gone also."
Patterson couldn't find any mundane explanation for the orbs.
"I saw no airplanes and it was cloudy to the east, with broken cloud cover overhead," he said.
Historical weather data confirms that the sky was mostly cloudy at the time of Patterson’s sighting.
The area south of Muncie is rural and no obvious landmarks or easily identified phenomena would seem to explain Patterson’s sighting, given his description of events.
This continues a series of orb sightings by Patterson in the area, which has also hosted several ‘Mothman’ sightings centered around the Prairie Creek Reservoir—only a few miles southeast of Muncie.
To report your own encounter with the impossible, reach out to us directly at the Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.
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