Trucker Reports Sighting of Diminutive, Grey-Skinned, Black-Eyed Humanoid at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport
(Emily Wayland / Singular Fortean Society)
Manuel Navarette of UFO Clearinghouse recently published a report from a trucker who said he’d encountered a diminutive, grey-skinned, black-eyed humanoid while picking up air freight around 10 pm at the United Cargo facility in Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on the night of July 31st, 2020.
According to the report:
I was at O’Hare Airport doing a pick up of some air freight from the United Cargo facility on the night of July 31st, 2020. It was about 10 pm and I was backed up to the dock waiting to be loaded, when I saw what looked like a small child walking along the grassy area by the street lights over by the road. At first I thought it was just another driver taking a walk while taking a smoke break or just stretching his legs. As I watched him, I started to take notice that it did not look like any person I had ever seen in my life.
It looked like it was a very skinny and small child; the way he walked was also different, it looked like he was limping as he walked. The arms were also very skinny and hung down to his knees—they looked very, very skinny—what we would call “skin and bones."
I watched it for almost a minute and saw two semis pass by on the road next to where it was standing; both trucks apparently didn’t notice it and simply drove on. There was also activity across the street by the control tower, but they also apparently never noticed it as it idly walked under the streetlight. When I did get under the light, I could see that its skin appeared a light shade of grey and it appeared to not be wearing clothes. Its head was out of proportion with its body, and it appeared to be looking at the plane that was being brought toward the fence across the street and the activity around it.
I eventually decided to get out of the truck and take a closer look, hoping it wasn’t a small child that had wandered off or been abandoned. As I got out and walked toward it, it turned when it must have heard me and I called out. As I got closer to it, it became alarmed and the closer I got I realized that it wasn’t a small child as I first thought. I called out to it again and then it turned toward me and I saw that it had huge, almost bug-like eyes that were black in color, [and] its body appeared a light shade of grey under the light of the streetlight.
I picked up my pace toward it and that’s when I saw it take off and start to run away. It ran faster than any human I’ve ever seen, it could have easily outrun an Olympic sprinter. It was gone in a blink of an eye and all I remember was someone banging on the door of my truck telling me to come inside and get my paperwork. It was the damnedest thing I have ever seen in my life.
Navarette was able to interview the witness over the phone.
"I spoke with the witness via phone and he described the sighting in detail," Navarette said. "The witness has been a truck driver with over 17 years of experience, the last five as a local/regional driver for a larger LTL (Less Than Truckload) company. The witness said he has picked up hundreds of loads from all over the airport in his time with the company and has never seen anything out of the ordinary in all that time."
Navarette said that, when asked about the sighting, "the driver described sitting in his truck waiting for it to be loaded when he noticed the being walking along the grassy area and looking across the street. He stated that the entity seemed to be interested in the activity as a large cargo plane was being brought into the unloading area."
The being, he explained, "looked about the height of a child of about nine to ten years of age and appeared to not be wearing any clothes."
Its head was "almond-shaped and way too big as compared to the rest of the body," while its eyes were "insect-like, very large, and the blackest of black and piercing."
Navarette said that the witness described a "feeling like this entity could see straight into him, straight into his very mind and that brought a feeling of fear and discomfort."
According to the investigator, "When asked what compelled him to leave his truck and investigate, the driver [said he] was curious, and was hoping it was not a child that had wandered off or had been abandoned and was wandering around in a very dangerous area with semis and other traffic going by to endanger it. When asked why he did not take any photos of the being, he stated that he was unsure if he should in case it turned out to be a child.”
When the witness approached the humanoid, it "turned to look at him and he saw the large eyes, and the entity became alarmed when he called out to it."
At that point, "the entity turned and began to run away from him" at a speed he described as "blazing fast," adding that “he had never seen anything run that fast before."
When asked what happened after that, "the witness hesitated but eventually said he really doesn’t remember what happened after the entity had run away, he only remembers someone pounding on the door of his truck to wake him up and that he thinks he might have walked back to his truck and then dozed off."
Afterward, "when he went inside to pick up his paperwork he was told that his load had been ready for almost an hour and that is why they had gone outside to wake him up."
The driver reportedly "doesn't remember anything about the events leading up to his return to the truck."
Navarette asked the witness if the entire sighting could have been a dream, to which he responded that he "was not completely sure," saying "there is a chance" that it was, but that he "felt that the events described above had indeed happened."
"I asked the witness if he had heard anything about the winged humanoid sightings that have been occurring at O’Hare and the witness advised that everybody has heard of the 'Mothman' sightings and that he knew drivers who claimed to have seen it," Navarette added. "He stated that he had personally not seen [anything] prior to this incident."
This is the most recently reported sighting in a series of unusual sighting reports that have taken place in the vicinity of O’Hare International Airport from late 2019 into 2020. Most of the reports describe a flying humanoid, but there have been sightings of other mysterious humanoids as well, including a woman who said she may have seen a mysterious humanoid creature while bicycling with her friend in the Cook County Forest Preserve on the afternoon of December 8th, 2019; a couple who said they saw a “large, thin man appear out of [Schiller Woods]” with what "almost looked like a praying mantis’ eyes, just jet black" on December 23rd, 2019; and a man who said he saw an “egg-shaped” object fly over O’Hare and shine a “brilliant blue light” to the ground, through which a “person” appeared to be taken aboard the craft on January 23rd, 2020. That “egg-shaped” UFO was reportedly seen over Resthaven Cemetery, a little-known cemetery which rests within the boundaries of O’Hare, and is less than 1,500 feet to the west of where this most recent witness said he’d had his sighting.
Because of the sightings’ close geographic proximity to reports of the ‘Lake Michigan Mothman,’ some connection to that case cannot be ruled out.
You can view a timeline of those sightings here.
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