Oklahoma Man Allegedly Murdered Friend Because He Summoned Bigfoot During Confrontation

Oklahoma man Larry Sanders, 53, is accused of murdering Jimmy Knighten during a confrontation while fishing. (Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation)
Oklahoma man Larry Sanders has been arrested following an incident last weekend that resulted in the death of his friend, Jimmy Knighten.
According to a press release from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI), Sanders and Knighten were noodling—a type of bare-handed fishing—on July 9th in the South Canadian River when a confrontation ensued, during which Sanders reportedly struck and strangled Knighten.
Sanders was initially arrested on an outstanding warrant and booked into the Pontotoc County Jail after sheriff's deputies responded to a call about an alleged killing last Saturday afternoon outside of Ada, Oklahoma.
Deputies reportedly arrived to find Sanders admitting to a family member that he had killed Knighten.
Knighten's body was discovered the following day, on July 10th, during a search by Pontotoc and Seminole Counties' sheriff deputies and OSBI agents.
As part of their investigation, authorities have uncovered what appears to have been Sanders’ motive in the killing.
"He appeared to be under the influence of something," Sheriff John Christian said. "His statement was that Mr. Knighten had summoned 'Bigfoot' to come and kill him; that's why he had to kill Mr. Knighten."
It is unknown what the exact nature of the men’s interest in Bigfoot was, although Oklahoma has had its share of sighting reports.
The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) has recorded 109 sightings for the state, dating back decades.
Sanders has been charged with first degree murder, which could carry the death penalty in Oklahoma.
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