Recent "UFOs" over Glasgow, Scotland, are Unrelated; Despite Being Recorded by Separate Witnesses on the Same Day
A still image from the video recorded by Robbie Morrow. (Robbie Morrow)
It turns out that two witnesses who recorded footage of a trio of lights last Saturday morning over Glasgow, Scotland, had actually captured entirely separate phenomena, despite the fact that Glasgow Live decided to report the incidents together.
Local artist Michelle Hynes said she was out on Byres Road in the Hillhead district of Glasgow at around 7 a.m., taking photographs of the city enshrouded in fog, when she accidentally captured two images showing a trio of lights.
Hynes told Glasgow Live that she didn’t notice the lights until after she returned home.
"I'm an artist and at 7 a.m. this morning I was out taking photos on Byres Road," she said. "When I got home [and] looked at the pics, [there were three] UFOs above Byres Road. I didn't notice them when I was out; then when I got home, I had a look and that's when I saw them."
Hynes originally shared the photos to Instagram, but has since removed them from social media.
Glasgow resident Robbie Morrow also reportedly recorded a trio of lights while out walking his dog in the city’s Whiteinch district.
Morrow said the lights were visible for around 10 minutes.
"[I] was out walking the dog when I saw one trail, like a shooting star, then another started to go another direction," he said. "But they went on for about 10 minutes, at least. Then the one light in the center illuminating. [It] was bizarre!"
Skeptics have largely dismissed the photos taken by Hynes as being the product of lights reflecting off of her camera lens, a hypothesis supported by Emily Wayland, the Singular Fortean Society’s resident photograph and video analyst.
Morrow’s video has been more difficult to explain, although popular hypotheses include drones or some other type of mundane aircraft.
Without more details regarding the video—such as the time, precise location, and direction he was filming—it remains difficult to say definitively what was recorded.
There are distinct differences between his and Hynes’ experiences, though—including the visibility of the objects Morrow recorded to the naked eye and their behavior on camera—that make it unlikely that he and Hynes captured the same phenomenon.
This is the third reported incident in 60 days of unexplained objects over Great Britain, following a video that appears to show an unusual humanoid object recorded flying over the Maryhill district of Glasgow at the end of October, and another video from last November out of Hertfordshire, England, which shows three lights moving across the sky in front of a man’s house.
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