Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus to Blame for Recent Rash of UFO Reports
A still image of the two planets taken from one of many videos shared online by people thinking they might have seen a UFO. (@Laurenlee05 / Twitter)
The recent conjunction of Jupiter and Venus has had many people wondering if what they’re seeing in the sky is a legitimate UFO.
A conjunction is when two celestial bodies, in this case the planets Jupiter and Venus, appear to be very close together from our viewpoint on Earth.
The last time Jupiter and Venus were in conjunction was April 30th, 2022, and the next time they'll be in conjunction is May 23rd, 2024; although they won't be as close as they are now again until February 7th, 2032.
The event has flooded social media with photographs and videos of the planets from puzzled skywatchers and UFO enthusiasts alike.
Saw this object over Reading UK tonight not moving. Anyone know what it is? And no I did not record this on a Nokia 3310 😂#ufo #UFOSighting #UFOSightings
— la (@Laurenlee05) March 1, 2023
This has resulted in increased UFO reports to civilian investigatory groups like the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
Researcher and noted skeptic Mick West tracked the incoming reports, noting that MUFON alone had received at least six misidentifications of the planetary conjunction in a 24-hour period.
Six MUFON reports in the last 24 hours were of Venus and Jupiter.
— Mick West (@MickWest) March 1, 2023
Expect more,because they are much closer tonight.
The planets will appear as bright, stationary lights in the western sky, although it should be noted that they may appear to move due to autokinesis.
Autokinesis, or the autokinetic effect, is a visual illusion largely caused by eye movement that can make a stationary light appear to move when stared at in the dark.
Jupiter and Venus were at their closest last night but will still be very near each other and highly visible tonight, before drifting apart over the course of the next two weeks.
If you’re interested in seeing the conjunction, look to the west at around 8 p.m. Central Time, when the planets should be just above the horizon.
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