Man Claims "UFO Came Out of a Portal" over Lancashire, England


Ian Gibbons, 72, of Colne, a town in Lancashire, England, claimed recently to have seen a UFO come out of a "portal" while admiring the sky shortly after sunset at 6:30 p.m. on February 22nd.

"I do believe someone over in Barnoldswick saw it as well,” he said in an interview with the Lancashire Telegraph.

According to Gibbons,

On a good night Mars and Venus can usually be seen from where I live, we've got great views out over the countryside, and on this particular night the sky was clear and Venus had just appeared.

I'm not into stargazing in a big way, I just like to look out of the window and admire the sky, so I went to the patio and had a look out and all of a sudden this UFO came out of a portal—it was red and orange and circular.

I grabbed my binoculars and got a good view of it while it hovered for a few seconds, but in the wink of an eye it shot up into the sky and then sped off towards Skipton.

Venus sets before the sun during this time of year in England, so it’s unclear what Gibbons had identified as Venus prior to his UFO sighting. Weather date for that time otherwise corroborated his testimony, showing clear skies in the area.

"It definitely wasn't a plane or someone shining a light—I had a fantastic view of it, it was like something out of a sci-fi movie,” said Gibbons of his sighting.

The 72-year-old said that he'd never seen anything like the UFO before in his life, and he hasn't seen anything similar since.

Gibbons’ description of the object and its behavior would seem to rule out natural phenomena as an explanation. In addition, no large meteors or other anomalous celestial events were reported in the area on the night of Gibbons’ sighting, although a large fireball was recorded over the UK six days later on February 28th.

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